First Aid guide for common household injuries

First Aid Guide For Common Household Injuries

First Aid Guide For Common Household Injuries

Emergencies can happen at any time and at any place, including the home. You may not know it, but household injuries actually account for most emergency incidents. That is why it is important to have knowledge and understanding of first aid procedures for household injuries with a first aid guide. Our first aid guide for common household injuries can help and prepare you in case of an emergency or emergency, particularly in the home.

The following are examples of common household injuries and their corresponding first aid guide:

Eye injury

Any foreign object that gets into the eye, whether a chemical or the tiniest speck, must be removed immediately before it can cause further damage. To do this, blink several times until the particle comes out of the eye. However, if it doesn’t, rinse the eye with running water. Do not rub your eye as it can aggravate the condition and lead to an infection. Also, do not try to remove an object that becomes embedded deeply into the eye – leave it to a professional.


These may be classified into first, second or third degree burns. To treat first-degree burns, follow this first aid guide by running it with water or placing a wet towel on the affected part to cool off the burn. You can then apply loose bandage for protection. Do not apply oils, creams or ointments onto the burn as it may cause skin infection. Severe burns, as in the second and third degree already need immediate medical assistance.


First aid guide for choking is done by letting the victim lean forward. Then, using your palm, strike the victim’s back between the shoulder blades several times or perform the Heimlich maneuver. However, if you are alone, use your hands or anything firm and press it against your abdomen.
Do not take water or anything else in case of coughing.


First aid guide for bloody nose is done by slightly leaning forward and then pinching the nose right below the bridge. Hold for about five to fifteen minutes. Applying ice pack on the bridge may help as well. Do not lean your head back, as there may be a possibility for blood to go into the lungs.


Apply ice every twenty minutes throughout day one. You can then apply heat to stimulate blood flow to the injury. You can also wrap the injured joint with elastic bandage and elevate the limb as well. Do not work thorough or massage the injury, as it may tear the ligaments, thus causing more damage.

Remember that a first aid guide should only be administered in cases of emergency and should not be a substitute to professional medical assistance.

The Emergency First Aid Course covers a majority of the First Aid Guide for Common Household Injuries.

Looking For First Aid Training In The North East? 

Join First Aid and Safety Training for nationally recognised, enjoyable and effective First Aid Courses and Training either onsite at your workplace anywhere in the North East or attend one of the open Emergency First Aid courses at our South Shields First Aid Training Centre. If you have any questions, please send an email to, call 0191 7166601 or send us a message online.

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