What Is A First Aid Kit

What Is A First Aid Kit

Q&A Guide: What Is A First Aid Kit

What is a first aid kit?

Before answering this question, take a look first at what it is all about. First aid is referred to as the immediate provision of medical treatment to an individual who has an injury. While definitive medical attention is still inaccessible or while patient is still being brought to the hospital, first aid is given to the patient to prevent further injuries, and future disability and to reduce the pain of wounds, and hasten blood clotting in the case of cuts.

A huge element in providing first aid is the use of a first aid kit. But what is a first aid kit by the way? Is it only used for first aid providers?

The first aid kit is technically defined as a container of equipment and supplies used in providing immediate medical treatment or a medical emergency. The question “what is a first aid kit” is often misleadingly answered by saying it’s also the same with medicinal kits. In reality, a first aid kit and a medicinal kit are different. Medicinal kits are usually containers of medicinal products, tablets or capsules. Medicinal kits are associated with patients who need twenty-four-seven medication. A first aid kit, on the other hand, does not only contain medicinal capsules or tablets but also supplies for bleeding control, bandages, surgical gloves, surgical mask, breathing equipment, protective equipment and a manual on how to conduct first aid on different illnesses or injuries.

In order for you to get a complete idea of what is a first aid kit, here are sample contents of a typical first aid kit. For dressings or supplies used to treat wounds, and sterilize or disinfect a body area, the tools and supplies used are burn dressing pads which are usually drenched in a cooling agent, sterilized non-adherent pad, sterilized gauze pad and sterilized eye pads.

Sterilization indeed is very important to avoid applying dressings that are germ infected. But after applying the wound pads, it must be held in place by using bandages. Examples of bandage supplies are elastic, breathable and absorbent roller gauze bandages, pressure bandages, sprain bandages, waterproof bandages, splint tying bandages, and triangular bandages that will serve as tourniquets or slings.

Other important must-have supplies in a first aid kit are tweezers, trauma sheers, hypoallergenic tapes, antiseptics, painkillers, anti-itching ointments, and a clean cloth. There is actually more than storing drugs inside a first aid kit. So, the next time you are asked what is a first aid kit, just simply say, it’s a lifesaver!

The Emergency First Aid Course covers a majority of the importance of having a First Aid Kit at Home or while traveling.

Looking For First Aid Training In The North East? 

Join First Aid and Safety Training for nationally recognised, enjoyable and effective First Aid Courses and Training either onsite at your workplace anywhere in the North East or attend one of the open Emergency First Aid courses at our South Shields First Aid Training Centre. If you have any questions, please send an email to admin@firstaidsafetytraining.com, call 0191 7166601 or send us a message online.

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