First Aid CPR Classes Are Important

Why First Aid CPR Classes Are Important

Why First Aid CPR Classes Are Important

Though it’s true you might never need to use first aid CPR in your life, it can’t hurt to learn this life saving skill. While the process of CPR has changed over the years, it is still considered the first line of defense for those victims of heart attacks or other heart-stopping illnesses. Here are just some of the reasons why you might want to take a first aid CPR class and why first aid CPR classes are important.

You Can Help Others

When you’ve taken the first aid CPR certification course, you will be able to help others who might have troubles. Since you’re trained, you will be covered for any liability should the patient still die while under your care. You will be able to step in to help someone else who might be doing CPR on someone and offer them a chance to rest if the emergency crews are going to take a long time to arrive. If you are uncomfortable with doing CPR on someone else, you might be able to advise someone else as well.

You Can Protect the Victim’s Heart

In the case of a heart attack, the heart muscle can stop beating because it has become too damaged. When this happens, blood doesn’t flow to the body, increasing the chance that other parts of the body will begin to die too – including the brain. When you use first aid CPR, you will help the body still pump blood, which can protect the brain and the body from further damage until the heart can start again on its own or with medical intervention.

In fact, some studies are showing that just chest compressions are able to help preserve heart muscle and body function when done on a person whose heart has stopped beating.

You Can Assess the Situation

Some people who know a little about first aid CPR think that they should use it in all situations – but this is far from the truth. When you have been trained in CPR, you will understand how to assess a situation for its usefulness. You will learn how to properly check for breathing or for an airway instead of simply starting with CPR and potentially doing more harm than good. You will also learn the proper alignment for the victim so that you are protecting them from further harm.

In learning first aid CPR, you will be able to help anyone whose heart has stopped, from infants to children, adults to the elderly. And because the techniques are different for everyone, you will want to make sure you are taking a class instead of simply learning from a book or online.

The Basic Life Support and Safe Use of an Automated External Defibrillator Course cover the majority of incidents that would be obtained during sports activity or on a regular basis. 

Looking For First Aid Training In The North East? 

Join First Aid and Safety Training for nationally recognised, enjoyable and effective First Aid Courses and Training either onsite at your workplace anywhere in the North East or attend one of the open Emergency First Aid courses at our South Shields First Aid Training Centre. If you have any questions, please send an email to, call 0191 7166601 or send us a message online.

Level 2 & 3 Qualifications | Certificates valid for 3 years | Ofqual regulated | 1, 2 or 3-day courses | Qualsafe Awards | EYFS Compliant | HSE Complaint

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